
You had the adventure of your lifetime. How will you change your world? Your opportunities are nearly endless, ranging from participating in another program to moving abroad for a full time job. Experiential Global Learning recommends you research some of the options listed below, though you should note that the list is not comprehensive. We’re happy to help you continue to find the best way to change your world.

Global Student Mentor Program 

Consider becoming a Global Student Mentor! As a Global Student Mentor, you’ll inspire and guide fellow students through their study abroad prep! Share your experiences, offer support, and help them navigate their exciting journey. You’ll also gain valuable leadership experience and practical professional skills. Plus, you’ll earn course credit! For more information, click here.

Go Abroad Again

Nearly every student who returns from a program abroad has the desire to go abroad again. Depending on your academic plan, it may be possible for you to enroll in a short or long-term program. Winter or summer programs can be a great option if your academic plan won’t allow for another semester or year abroad. Speak with your Academic Advisor and your Experiential Global Learning Advisor, or browse through our program portfolio, for new opportunities.

Volunteering Abroad

There are many opportunities to volunteer abroad that will lead to wonderful cultural experiences. If you have the desire to return abroad and contribute positively to the local community, research some of the opportunities below:

Habitat for Humanity: Habitat for Humanity offers short term and long-term volunteer opportunities abroad to help build affordable housing for communities around the world.

Peace Corps: This renowned volunteer program arranges commitments in which college graduates learn and work with a community overseas for 27 months, providing technical assistance in different program areas. This program is available in more than 60 countries around the world.

Transitions Abroad: Gain knowledge of different organizations that provide international experience through working, studying, living, or volunteering abroad.

Working Abroad

There are many opportunities to work abroad over academic breaks or after graduation.  Whether you want to work as an au pair for a summer or utilize your degree and start your career, there are opportunities for you.  Look through the following resources and consult with the Center for Career Development to find something that will work for you.

The UConn Center for Career Development provides a subscription to Going Global, an online resource with job postings, country specific career guidance, and immigration laws.  Visit Going Global by signing in to Husky Career Link above and clicking on the Going Global link.

BUNAC: Work abroad in Australia, Britain, Canada, Ireland or New Zealand for up to 12 months. BUNAC will help you with visas and searching for a job. Students must be enrolled at a university.

NAFSA (Association of International Educators): Use this resource to search for jobs related to the field of International Education. Universities and third party providers post job vacancies dealingwith both incoming and outgoing studentsin the US and abroad. Intern, teach English or find a job that interests you. lets you choose a job by location or by profession. It also lists job postings by international companies for you to browse.

InterExchange: This site offers a wide range of opportunity for working abroad. Choose from being an au pair to teaching English to just being on a Work and Holiday Visa and finding a job that works best for you.

U.S. Department of State: The US Department of State offers employment opportunities across the globe for qualified individuals.

Teaching Abroad

There are many opportunities for teaching abroad after graduation, many of which don’t require any previous teaching experiences or coursework.  There are also opportunities for certified teachers to teach their subject at American schools abroad.

The University of Northern Iowa Overseas Recruiting Fair brings recruiters from over 120 schools worldwide to recruit certified teachers for employment.

Department of Defense Education Activity: Certified teachers can apply for positions teaching on US military bases abroad through this Department of Defense website.

The Japan Exchange and Teaching program is a very popular option to teach English in Japan.

Masa Israel Journey: For students of the Jewish faith who wish to spend a semester or year teaching English to school children in Israel.

English Program in Korea: Affiliated with the Korean Ministry of Education, science and technology participants work with Korean students and teachers to improve English language skills.

Greenheart Travel: A division of Center for Cultural Interchange, Greenheart Travel offers participants a chance to teach English in South Korea, Georgia, China and Thailand.

MaximoNivel offers teaching programs in 17 countries. Each location includes a four-week intensive TESOL certification. Participants can then look at other services they want to include in their time abroad, such as accommodation, extra cultural learning and guaranteed job placement.

Graduate School Abroad

After completing your undergraduate degree, you have the option of completing your graduate work abroad.  Some countries provide graduate degrees that cost much less than American universities and can sometimes be completed in less time.  Speak with your academic advisor or someone in your field and look at the resources below to begin your international graduate school search:

Fulbright: Government grants given to students to promote intercultural relations or to try to find solutions to international concerns. Students may study or conduct research while abroad. There is an opportunity to teach English with a Fulbright Grant as well. Fulbright Grants are generally merit and leadership based. In most cases the participant needs to have a bachelor’s degree by the grants start. For more information on Fulbright and other scholarships, contact the UConn Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships.

Federal Student Aid: You may be able to use U.S. Federal student aid if you choose to attend graduate or medical school abroad! Review information and the lists of international schools that participate in the federal student loan program.

Boren Awards: These scholarships given by the government are meant to build relationships with countries of importance to national security. Participants will focus on learning a new critical language or building upon language skills they already possess.

George J. Mitchell Scholarship: The US-Ireland Alliance offers the George J. Mitchell Scholarship, which funds up to twelve Mitchell Scholars between the ages of 18 and 30 who are chosen annually for one year of postgraduate study in any discipline offered by institutions of higher learning in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Intercultural Opportunities at UConn

Cultural Immersion at UConn

It is important to continue with your cultural education even after you return home.  Take as many opportunities as you can to reconnect with the culture you lived in abroad and contribute to your community at UConn.

Community Outreach: Community Outreach offers students opportunities to engage in service related activities that enhance the quality of life of others in the community while enriching their own learning experience at the University of Connecticut.

UConn Cultural Centers:

University of Connecticut American English Language Institute (UCAELI): UCAELI provides English language instruction to students from all over the world and are always looking for volunteers.

Student Organizations: UConn hosts a variety of language based, international, cultural, and national student organizations on campus.  Many of these provide great opportunities for reconnecting with your host culture and with other students. You can join organizations to make an impact on global issues, such as Amnesty International or Engineers Without Borders. You can interact with international students on campus and learn about different cultures through special events with the French Club, International Chinese Student Association, or Cross Cultural Connections. Whatever your interest, there are opportunities on campus to meet other students. Look through the UConntact website to find organizations and get involved!