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Advice to a future EGL Student

1. Be alert, be aware – As with any new place when we travel, it is easy to get distracted by landmarks, food, and people. It is important to embrace the local culture as much as possible. That said, you should never let your guard down. Keep your passports, wallet, and other valuables close to you. Especially on public transportation, be extra careful since those are pickpocket hotspots.

2. Speak the local language – Whether you are fluent or only know how to greet people, conversing in the local language is one of the best ways to fully immerse yourself in the community. I learned French in high school and have not spoken it
since then. Although it was tempting to resort to English, speaking French again after a long time was not as daunting as I thought it would be. Even when I messed up with a taxi driver for example, we smiled and laughed it off together.

3. Pace yourself – Depending on the length of your program, you should consider how often you are willing to take adventures. My program was only one month long, so I pushed myself to spend as much time as possible outside of my residence. Although it was exhausting at times, I ended the program without any regrets as I traveled to Luxembourg and Switzerland on day trips.

4. Stay active – As with any routine, it is important to stay physically active. Since Strasbourg is a rural town, I went on evening walks and runs across the vast countryside. Although I was used to an indoor gym environment, I appreciated this change of scenery. Sunsets took place later in the night, so I could maximize the sunlight as well.