The Summer Neuroscience in Salamanca, Spain program will introduce students to neuroscience at an international level. The University of Salamanca (USAL), founded in 1218, is famous for language and literature studies and now as a center of excellence in science. A college town that is both medieval and modern, Salamanca was founded by the Romans in the 4th century, and it teams with cafes, tapas bars, shops, nightlife and a rich mix of locals, students, and European tourists. Students will learn about Neuroscience and Spanish culture by emersion in a truly unique city.

General Photos from Salamanca, Spain

Medha Illindala

Antonio Hernandez

Charley Damico

Advice for Students wanting to travel on the Summer Neuroscience in Salamanca Program

Student Spotlights

Medha Illindala

Charley Damico

Student Create Your Owns

Student Day in the Life