Incoming exchange students are NOT able to enroll or pre-enroll for classes online by themselves. In order to register for courses, incoming exchange students will need to submit their course preferences through the incoming exchange application. UConn will make every effort to assist exchange students to register for the courses they request in their applications. However, students should understand that not all courses listed in the course catalog will be offered every semester, and some courses will have limited enrollment. During the registration period, staff members at the University of Connecticut will enroll students in 4-5 courses from the course preference list.
Due to immigration regulations and UConn policies for international students, all incoming exchange students are require to be full-time students for the duration of their program. In order to be have a full-time status, incoming exchange students must be enrolled in:
Level of Study | Credit Limits |
Undergraduate | Minimum: 12 credits
Maximum: 17 credits |
Graduate | Minimum: 9 credits
Maximum: 17 credits |
Course Preference Form
Incoming Exchange Students are required to fill out a Course Preference Form. On the course preference form you will be required to provide the following information:
- 10 courses that you are interested in taking. Students should NOT choose more than 4 courses per subject area. The 1st course being your highest priority and your 10th course being your lowest priority;
- Students will need to provide proof of completion for any prerequisites a requested course needs. You will need to upload a syllabus substitution form so please make sure you have them ready. The form is accessible through the application.
Important Terms for Course Registration
- Course = Individual class or module. Most semester courses at UConn carry between 1-4 credits.
- Pre-requisite = A pre-requisite is a requirement that must be met in order to enroll in a particular course and is applied to ensure that students are prepared for the advanced subject matter covered in the course. Pre-requisites for courses at UConn are referred to as “Enrollment Requirements” in the Student Administration System where you search for available courses.
- Syllabus or Syllabi = A syllabus is an outline and summary of topics covered in a course. At UConn, syllabi are distributed by the faculty to students on the first day of a course. Syllabi at UConn are not available online. You will be required to submit syllabi for previous coursework undertaken at your home university in order to enroll in courses at UConn that have pre-requisites or enrollment requirements.
Restrictions for Exchange Students
General Restrictions:
- “W” Courses: Courses designated with a “W” (e.g. POLS 4997W) are writing intensive courses unique to UConn’s academic requirements and include a much heavier writing component than a non-W course. Seats are usually reserved for matriculated students, however, if the instructor issues a permission number, you will be permitted to enroll.
- Online, Hybrid or Distance Learning courses: Exchange Students can only enroll in one online or hybrid course. If you wish to enroll in any of these types of courses additionally, it needs to be in addition to the minimum credit load per semester of 9 credits for undergraduate students and 6 credits for graduate students.
- Courses offered on the Hartford, Waterbury, Stamford, or Avery Point campuses are not available for exchange students. You may only take courses on the Storrs campus.
- Independent Study Courses: NOT available to exchange students during their first semester of exchange.
- Courses in the following schools are NOT available: School of Education (EDCI, EGEN, EPSY, EDLR, EKIN), School of Nursing (NURS), School of Pharmacy (PHRX, PHAR, PHRM), School of Law (LAW) and Military Science (MISI).
Course Restrictions by School:
- College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR)
- Classes with clinical placements
- Kinesiology (KINS) courses
- College of Liberal Arts and Science:
- Psychology courses (PSYC): Very competitive among UConn students.
- PSYC courses not available for incoming exchange students: PSYC 3150, 3250W, 3251,3252,3253,3350W,3450W,3550W,3551W,3552,3750
- Statistics Course (STAT): Very competitive among UConn students.
- Economics courses (ECON): Highly overenrolled and in great demand. Exchange students will be limited to enrollment in no more than 3 Economics courses per semester.
- Courses not available: ECON 2211Q, ECON 2212Q, ECON 2447 and ECON 3208
- English Courses (ENGL): A few 1000 level are not available for incoming exchange students
- Course not available: ENGL 1003, 1004, 1010, 1011
- Psychology courses (PSYC): Very competitive among UConn students.
- School of Engineering:
- Courses not available at School of Engineering: ME 3263, ME3264, ME4972, ME4973W. Limited or no availability: ME 3221,3222,3225 and 3232
- School of Fine Arts: Courses in Fine Arts (ART, ARTH, MUSI, DMD and DRAM) are available on a limited basis. Students should NOT add more than 2 fine arts courses on their course preference form. Please note that pre-enrollment in courses in these subject areas is not guaranteed.
- School of Business:
- Courses in the School of Business (e.g. Accounting – ACCT; Finance – FNCE; Management – MGMT; and Marketing – MKTG) are for business majors ONLY. Thus, if you are not a matriculating student in the School of Business at your home institution, then you will NOT be able to enroll in these business courses at UConn. This rule applies to domestic UConn students as well. BADM courses are generally easier to gain access to, as they are generally NOT selected by UConn business majors.
- Due to VERY high demand for School of Business courses, you will not be able to fill your schedule with all business courses. Business students will be considered for pre-enrollment in a maximum of 3 Business courses, with a limit of 2 courses in any one subject area. Students requesting Business courses are requested to also submit courses outside the School of Business in order to be enrolled in a sufficient number of credits to be considered full time students. Students requesting courses in ACCT, BADM, FNCE, BLAW, HSMG, MGMT, MKTG, MEM, and OPIM are encouraged to submit their application materials and academic documentation as soon as possible to ensure priority review of course requests. Many courses fill up during the first week of enrollment, therefore, please select at least 3 courses outside the School of Business for enrollment so the Experiential Global Learning Office can best assist you with enrollment in a sufficient number of courses and credits for your exchange at UConn.
- Pay special attention to pre-requisite requirements for business courses. These pre-requisites are NOT flexible and you will be required to show documentation that you have met the enrollment requirements through transcripts and syllabi for previous coursework.
- Courses not available for incoming Exchange students:
- ACCT 4899
- BUSN: 3005, 3002W
- BADM: 4072, 4891, 4892
- FNCE 4899
- MGMT: 4271, 4891, 4899, 4900, 4997
- MKTG 4899
- 5000 and 6000 level courses in ACCT, FNCE, BADM, MGMT, BLAW, OPIM, MKTG
- Business Course Enrollment: All business course enrollment requests are processed through academic advisors in the School of Business, NOT individual faculty. Exchange students requesting ACCT, BADM, FNCE, HSMG, MGMT, MKTG, and OPIM courses are not permitted to contact professors directly regarding course enrollment requests unless you have been previously approved to do so by an advisor in the School of Business.
How to Choose Courses at UConn
Courses numbered 1000-1999 are introductory courses, usually with no pre-requisites, primarily for first or second year university students. Courses numbered 2000-2999 usually have no more than one pre-requisite and are primarily intended for second year students. Courses numbered 3000-3999 are advanced undergraduate courses primarily intended for third or fourth year students. Courses numbered 4000-4999 are advanced undergraduate courses primarily intended for fourth year undergraduate students. Courses at the 5000 level and above are intended for graduate students only and are generally not available to undergraduate exchange students.
Students can research all the courses offered at UConn through the 2023-2024 Undergraduate Course Directory. However, student should use the Student Administration System course search in order to fill out the Incoming exchange course preference form.
**Please note SPRING 2024 COURSE SCHEDULES will NOT be available until the week of September 18, 2023.**
How to Search for Courses for the Incoming Exchange Course Preference Form
- Go to
- Click on “Guest Access”
Important Notes
- You must only select courses from the “Class Search” option of the Student Administration System for the term you are attending UConn (e.g. Fall 2019). If you choose from the “Course Catalog” the course will most likely not be offered.
- Do not list multiple sections of the same course on your Course Preference Form. You must list 10 different courses on your Course Preference Form.
- Check to make certain that the course is being offered on the “Storrs” campus.
- Many courses are offered in more than one “section”. Make sure you scroll to the right to note what day(s) of the week and what time of day the course section you have chosen is offered. Please note whether any of your courses you have indicated as preferences are in time conflict with each other, as you will not be able to enroll in courses that have conflicting schedules.
- Confirm you have the pre-requisites to enroll in the course. You must complete the Syllabus Substitution Form for each pre-requisite.
- Exchange students are considered visiting students and cannot register for courses independently through the Student Administration system. All registration for courses must go through the course selection process.
- Courses cannot be guaranteed and you often will not get your first choice for courses. Your Course Preference Form does not ensure you enrollment in the courses.
- Students will NOT be able to enroll in courses in the following situations:
- You do not meet or demonstrate that you have met the pre-requisites for the course (given in course catalog description and often listed in the “Class # for registration” link on the Class Search website).
- There are no available seats in the course (available seats are often listed in the “Unreserved Available” section of the Class Search website. Courses have enrollment caps and cannot be over-enrolled.
- The course meeting times, including any small group labs or tutorials, conflicts with the schedule of another course that you are enrolled in.
- You have enrolled in more than 17 academic credits (the limit for course enrollment for all undergraduate students).
- A course you requested was removed from the schedule of offered courses (cancelled) after submission of the Course Preference Form and will no longer be offered in the semester you are attending UConn.
Course Approval Process
The course approval process in the academic departments begins as soon as your application materials are submitted. Course enrollment for exchange students begins the week of April 1. You will be contacted with information about how to check your enrollment outcome in late April. If you wish to change your courses, you may do so once you arrive at UConn – you will have an opportunity to “shop” for classes and speak to faculty and advisors in the various departments during the add/drop period when you are free to make changes to your schedule.
Course Syllabi
Only the faculty members themselves have syllabi, and often they are not given out until the first day of class. Students can contact the professor directly for syllabi EXCEPT for business courses. If you need the syllabi for business, please send an email to Incoming Exchange Coordinators ( requesting the syllabi. Keep in mind that some professors might not have the final version of the syllabi until classes start.