Education in London

In the late 1980s, England instituted a national curriculum initiative that outlined the standards and assessments to be utilized in all publicly funded schools. In recent years, the U.S. has also undergone significant educational reform, which in many ways emulates that of England with its strict standards for accountability. Thus, examining the British educational system in terms of both policy and practice may offer a profound perspective on our own educational system. Teaching in London schools for your internship, along with researching various aspects of the British educational system, can be the defining element of your professional preparation.

The Neag School of Education London Experiential Global Learning program invites 5th year Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s students to consider teaching and researching in one of the most dynamic urban centers of the world. We have longstanding relationships with highly diverse schools at the elementary and middle/secondary levels. For example, a moderately sized partner elementary school in northeast London has more than 25 ethnicities represented in its student body along with over 20 languages spoken daily. The school is located in one of the most economically disadvantaged areas in all of London. Meanwhile, a middle/secondary school in central London has a student population of approximately 1200, with over 50 languages spoken by students representing over 40 diverse ethnicities, including many students from Africa and the Middle East. Interns are fully integrated as professional staff working with students who need learning, social, and emotional support.

General Photos

Georgia Mikan

Student Spotlights

Georgia Mikan