JiaLiAn Stolfi

Advice to a Future EGL Student

1.) Take virtual UConn courses while abroad!

a.) You can take classes abroad while simultaneously taking virtual UConn classes at no extra cost. By taking virtual UConn classes while abroad, you can work toward completing your plan of study and stay on track to graduate. Make sure to plan ahead. Be sure that the classes will be offered virtually in the semester you will be abroad. As a dual degree student, my schedule is extremely tight. I didn’t think I would have the chance to study abroad because of my course requirements for both majors. However, I was able to take 2 asynchronous classes abroad to complete my CLAS Arts requirement and my School of Business Business Writing requirement. This way, I could stay on track to graduate without having to compromise the opportunity of studying abroad.

2.) Save as much as you can prior to going abroad.

a.) Save about $5,000 for one semester to be comfortable. It’s crucial to have enough money to support yourself while abroad. On top of daily expenses such as food, transportation, and toiletries, there will be many other costs. Traveling, eating out, shopping, and fun school related activities are much more common abroad than at home. You’ll want to have enough money to be able to participate in these activities, especially because this time is when many people get close and become friends. You won’t be able to get a job if you run out of money so saving as much as you can is very important. I, along with many of my friends, spent about $5,000 in one semester.

3.) Pack smart.

a.) Check the weather of where you will be studying abroad as well as where you will be traveling. Pack clothing and essentials for both. For example, Florence has weather similar to CT, so I packed fall and winter clothes. However, I traveled to places such as the Amalfi Coast, the Dolomites, and Switzerland. In the Amalfi Coast, I needed summer clothes and bathing suits as we spent a lot of time at the beach. In the Dolomites, I needed activewear because we went on numerous hikes. In Switzerland, I needed snow pants and boots because we went skiing. By packing clothes that I needed both for day-to-day and my travels, I was able to save a lot of money and time.

4.) Be open-minded.

a.) Be open-minded at the beginning. It can be very overwhelming to be in a new country surrounded by people you have never met. The first few days are the most important as you will be introducing yourself and meeting all of your classmates. Try to talk to everyone by sharing your past, your interests, and your goals for your time abroad and then narrow down who you would like to be friends with. One of my biggest regrets is not being as open-minded in the beginning because I was nervous, shy, and tired but I wish I had been. Although the entire experience is nerve-wracking, try to remember that it will be worth it and fun in the end.

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