Race & Ethnicity

Questions to Consider and Discuss with an EGL Advisor

  • Where do people of my race/ethnicity fit into my host country’s society?
  • Am I likely to be a target of racism/classism?
  • What are the similarities with how I am treated in the U.S.?
  • What are the cultural norms of my host country?
  • Are there religious/cultural institutions or rituals adhered to?
  • What is the history of ethnic or racial tension in the country? Is the situation currently hostile to members of a minority race, majority race, or particular ethnicity or religion?
  • Are issues of racism/ethnic discrimination influenced by immigration in my host country? How do politicized immigration concerns fuel racial tensions? What is the character of immigrant communities?
  • Are there laws in the host country governing race relations? Ethnic relations?
  • What does participation look like for UConn students currently?
  • How can I speak with other UConn students about their experiences as racial/ethnic minorities?


AIFS, My Experience as a Minority Student Abroad
Go Overseas, What to Know About Studying Abroad as a Minority
Plato Project, Resources to Support Underrepresented Students


African American Scholarship.com
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
Black Excel
Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education 
Diversity Abroad
Fund for Education Abroad
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
IES: David Porter Need-Based Scholarship
Korean American Scholarship Foundation
National Action Council for Minorities in Education